AION 4.6 | Templar PvP | Booyah / Magicx | vol. 1

Boooooooooyah!... My first Templar PvP-Video! Watch in 1080p - - - - - - - I hope you ENJOY! :-) !!! open up the description-box for detailed informations !!! _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Hey guys, as you can see I’ve decided to release a Templar-Video... Why? Well, obviously because I enjoy playing it and for those of you who might ask about my Sorc... I haven’t quit it completely yet but I’m on a good way to that. I don’t enjoy Aion that much anymore on Sorc, so I decided to take a break and play Templar, which has ever been my favorite class right after Sorc. I’m still learning the “melee-style“ in Aion and I know that I have to improve at some points such as “chasing“, “weaving“ or might even try “click-to-move“ (which I personally dislike, haha)... Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the Video&
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