TVD | The Season 3 Awards [humor-ish]

- WATCH IN HD, the text becomes much clearer that way - Yay, I actually finished this! I have been thinking about doing this for weeks now, and I finally did! When something like this gets stuck in my head, no matter how stupid and random it is, I just have to do it! Be warned, this is clouded with my weird opinions, obviously, so feel free to disagree. But don’t worry, this is not entirely serious. Humor-ish, I guess you could call it! Although it’s not funny, just a little stupid. And yes, I just included the guys... Why? Well... they’re the best! :D (duh!) Let’s call it a “guys edition“. What do you think, should I make a “girls version“? Nah, I’m just joking ;-) I actually managed to give everyone an award! (I even remembered Alaric and Matt!) I kind of decided on awards with that in mind... Otherwise I would have ended up giving 2 or 3 people all of them, and we wouldn’t want that ;) Oh and, in c
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