UFO SIGHTING NEWS : Project MOON DUST, Cube Shaped UFO Found in Sudan in 1967 Resurfaces 👽

➨Instagram : ➨Section 51 is recruiting Explorers, Navigators and Commanders ! Join our private space HERE : ➨You can find our Section 51’s official T-shirts & stuff here : At the beginning of July 2021, a strange one-page memorandum from the Department of State was sent to the website TheBlackVault. The document describes a three tons, cube-shaped “satellite” object that was discovered in Sudan in 1967. Project Moon Dust was a covert project by the US Air Force with the aim to recover objects and debris from spacecraft that survived re-entry through the atmosphere back to Earth. But the problem with this object is that it doesn’t resemble any known satellite and no one can explain its origin... There’s more to say, more to explore together and we invite you now to join this new journey with us on Section 51 !
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