New strange pair of wolves in the Tamarack territory
Starting in the middle of last summer, we noticed a strange new pair of wolves roaming around the Tamarack Pack territory. One of the wolves had a really funky short tail that made identifying this pair on camera pretty easy.
Turns out, this was just like the beginning of H.G. Wells posthumous novel “The War of the Wolves”. Ok, poor attempt at humor but it was the beginning of an invasion of sorts.
This new pair took over and claimed the Tamarack Pack territory this fall. The Tamarack Pack, which is just a breeding pair, was ousted from their territory and became wanderers.
After being displaced, the Tamarack wolves shifted north a bit but still appear to be traveling together and are likely defending a new territory just north of their old territory. Granted, it is hard to tell right now where their territory may being and end.
In the end, this is just how wolf pack dynamics work. Packs occupy and defend territories until another pack comes in and removes them. The Tamarack Pack may well have ousted a