How to paint Renoir’s Red Peonies step by step Free 60 min. acrylic painting tutorial

Renoir’s Red Peoonies step by step 60 minute acrylic painitng tutorial is easy, and fun to do. If you are a first time painter with acrylics give this video lesson a try. August Renoir, painted over 700 oil paintings which consisted of impressionistic landscapes, portraits, and still life scenes. His Red Peonies on a blue and purple talbe cloth are among my favorites. In this step by step 60 minute acrylic adaptation, background, foreground and the vase of red flowers are easliy explained and are simple to paint. The colors are: Titanium White, Dioxazine Purple, Ultramarine Blue, Phalo Blue, Burnt Umber, Cad Yellow Medium, Cadmium Red Medium, Napthol Crimson, and Yellow Oxide. Canvas size is 6“x8“. Find more fun and well explained video art lessons at Monthly subscriptions as low as $ for seniors and military, and $ a month for new bi weekly acrylic art lessons plus a huge free video library of art tutorials by Ginger Cook available 24
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