We meet. Poet of the Ition Tsai, Taiwan. Встречаем поэта мираTzemin Ition Tsai, Taiwan.
Tzemin Ition Tsai, Taiwan
Prof. Dr. Tzemin Ition Tsai come from Taiwan (Republic of China). In addition to being a literature professor at Asia University (Taiwan), he is more committed to writing poems, novels and proses. He is also an editor of “Reading, Writing and Teaching” academic text in Taiwan, International editor of “Contemporary dialogues“ literary periodical in Macedonia, A International Cultural ambassador and columnist in Greater China of Inner Child Inner Child Press, ltd. and a columnist for ‘Chinese Language Monthly’ in Taiwan.
In a wide range of literary creations, he is particularly fond of interesting stories or novels, and writing articles or poems about the feelings of nature and human beings. He has won many national literary awards. His literary works have been anthologized and published in books, journals, and newspapers in more than 50 countries and have been translated into more than two dozen of languages.
Tzemin Ition Tsai, Тайвань
Профессор доктор Цзэминь И