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Log into and complete pick’ems on all of your accounts to get this free worlds esports capsule 2022 with bonus hextech chest drops, emotes and icons League of legends worlds 2022 pickems lolesports season 12 Article: ‘em!/bltb56351cb363d8439 Website LoLesports: “REWARDS Players in eligible regions can compete for a variety of exciting rewards for participation and performance in BOTH traditional Pick’Em and Crystal Ball separately. Players can qualify for rewards based on the highest Tier category they reach in both the traditional Pick’Em and the Crystal Ball categories (note that the rewards are not cumulative and will be awarded based on the highest Tier reached in the respective category). All performance-based Tier rewards will be delivered on November 6 after the conclusion of Worlds. If you believe you qualified for a Pick’Em reward and did not re
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