A tribute for the Adeptus Mechanicus and their greatest creations - the Imperial Titans and Navy starships. Done with a big help from Youtube user kakalunga, who sent me a pack of pics showing Titans. Thank you!
--The Adeptus Mechanicus--
The Adeptus Mechanicus is a technological organization, often known as the Priesthood of Mars. It holds a monopoly on technological knowledge in the Imperium. Their Forge Worlds turn out the Imperium’s most powerful and advanced weaponry and equipment. The Techpriests are vital in maintaining much of the Imperium’s more technologically advanced equipment,
... not the least of which is the Emperor’s life-sustaining Golden Throne.
Although the Emperor is venerated by the Adeptus Mechanicus for his ancient knowledge and comprehension, the techpriests do not follow the Imperial Cult, but a wholly different religion, known as the Cult Mechanicus or the Cult of the Machine. According to its teachings, knowledge is the supreme manifestation of diviShow more