“Костер“, Машина Времени (кавер: вокал, арфа)

Cover of “Bonfire,“ a popular song of the 80-s by Russian rock-band “Mashina Vremeni.“ Arr. and performed by Svetlana Yatsky (vocal, harp, guitar, recorder, keyboard). “All things will pass, a wise man used to say, Every bonfire will someday burn away. The wind will scatter ashes with no trace... But when the fire is aflame Everyone keeps it in their own way To get through winter and dark days. Since nights are long A small fire is just good Efforts are spared, so is the firewood You should be wise To live at your supplies. But once in a while There would come some fool This silly fool will not observe the rules And his bonfire will rise up to the skies. Some words still can’t be said aloud Some things still wait to be allowed The colors of the sunset are still bright I don’t spare the fire yet God watches over me. Wise person retained This fire for himself He didn’t waste it for charity and help So he was safe and feared no storm. And you were wrong By burning all you had at once In just an hour the big fire died away But in that hour All people finally felt the fire’s warmth... Some words still can’t be said aloud Some things still wait to be allowed The colors of the sunset are still bright I don’t spare the fire yet God watches over me. Adapted from original translation: Оригинал: Copyright: ©
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