Using Notch Vfx and Resolume Wire to make a Flag Waving effect in Arena 7.4 Tutorial. Free Download.

Walkthrough / Tutorial of my Flag in the Wind Compiled Wire Patch for Resolume Arena 7.4 and higher, Made using Notch Vfx, and Resolume Wire. Using the UV Map node inside Wire we can distort realtime video inside Resolume Arena. Notch is a super fast tool to build realtime graphics, and was used to make the UV remap and shadow overlay textures in this project. Compiled Wire Patch Download Link: V2 - ?dl=0 Heads up this is a ~2GB file due to the baked in videos. 00:00:00 Introduction (Resolume Arena). 00:01:04 Example using an Image (Resolume Arena) 00:01:39 Example using a Logo with transparent background (Resolume Arena) 00:02:50 Example using a Video (Resolume Arena) 00:03:18 Example applying to composition (Resolume Arena) 00:04:50 Notch layer Overview (Notch Vfx) 00:05:42 Generate Weightmap to Limit Flag Deformation (Notch Vfx) 00:06:57 Adding Deformers To Animate The Flag (Notch Vfx) 00:09:38 Setting up the scene Camera (Notch
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