Kilmaine Saints - 57

Текст с Bandcamp’a: “From generation to generation the tales been passed down Of the poor lost souls who wander about town Their ragged clothes & the holes in their shoes Their straggly hair and wreaking of booze These brave 57 left from Donegal Bay A boat load of Paddys come to work the railway Leaving their families, not a shilling in hand Unwanted men in a foreign land So sip your pint and I’ll tell you a tale Of the brave 57 from Donegal set sail Twas not the disease but rather the hate At Duffy’s Cut where they met their fate Resented and hated they broke through the stone A little for whiskey & the rest they sent home Each day they worked the trench through the rain and the mud They lined the walls with their sweat and their blood How the tale ends was never quite clear Locals in town tried to wipe out the fear No doctor could save them nor did they try Cuz the signs had all read “The Irish need not apply” So sip your pint and I’ll tell you a tale Of the brave 57 from Donegal set sail Twas not the disease but rather the hate At Duffy’s Cut where they met their fate And one by one the souls were laid to rest As history hides the lies they wouldn’t confess Ghosts of the past were butchered for what Those brave 57 murdered at Duffy’s Cut So sip your pint and I’ll tell you a tale Of the brave 57 from Donegal set sail Twas not the disease but rather the hate At Duffy’s Cut where they met their fate from Drunken Redemption, released September 17, 2012“
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