Linda Moulton Howe -Trantaloids Insects: Hostile to Humanity and They WANT Earth

@UAMNTV Newly elected President Ronald Reagan was briefed at Camp David, Maryland, March 6 - 8, 1981, by CIA, DIA and NSA analysts about five different E. T. species. President Reagan was told that one of the five were humanoid insects from Epsilon Eridani only 10.5 light-years from Earth. The briefers called the insects “Trantaloids” and said they were very hostile to humanity and want Earth. In this Conscious Life Expo 2023 intensive, Linda will share actual alleged recorded transcripts of the Reagan briefing and the latest 2023 whistleblower whispers about extraterrestrial biological entities in the small spiral band of the Milky Way Galaxy that contains Earth. Linda Moulton Howe is graduate of Stanford University with a Master’s degree in Communication and has received local, national and international awards including three regional Emmys, a national Emmy nomination and a Station Peabody award. Linda produces, reports and edits and hosts her live YouTube show each week. Linda is an
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