Keep Fit (1916)

Sub title reads: “Early morning ’set ups’.“ “Vitality - pep - spells success! If you want to keep fit, just steal 10 minutes early in the morning - start with a stretch!“ Cartoon shows a stick figure man stretching whilst still in bed (image badly decomposed). “The ’pump’ - hands rigid at the side while the ’tummy’ is tensed and relaxed.“ Man lies in bed demonstrating this very odd exercise. “The kick-up“ - stick man shows exercise - image so badly decomposed we can hardly see it. “Now, the ’churn’ - the little diagram man shows how - “ Stick man sits on a bench and moves from side to side. He then bends his back. “The tickle toe“ - real man does some toe touching exercises in his pyjamas. “Step out sharply - any fast step will do.“ Stick men do some high kicks. “Now the Star Gazer“ - stick man bends his head backwards and forwards and side to side under a star. Real man demonstrates this exercise too. Then a young boy in C/U. “One of these exercises is good for you any time
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