EU sanctions Russian ’Wagner’ mercenary group over military threat to Ukraine | DW News

The European Union on Monday imposed sanctions on the Russian-based private military contractor known as the Wagner Group, which is accused of carrying out “hybrid warfare“ on behalf of the Kremlin. “They represent a threat and create instability in a number of countries around the world,’’ EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell told reporters Monday after a meeting of EU foreign ministers. The foreign ministers decided to “target the Wagner group itself, and eight individuals and three entities connected to it,“ according to a statement. The sanctions include asset bans and travel freezes intended to limit the group’s operations. The statement added that those who have been targeted “are involved in serious human rights abuses, including torture and extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and killings, or in destabilizing activities in some of the countries they operate in.“ The countries where Wagner is said to operate include Libya, Mali, Syria, Ukra
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