Xin Yi LiuHe style 10 Animals

This video shows the well-known 10 animal manners of Xin Yi which, if you’ve ever seen them, are quite impressive. They include: Tiger, Dragon, Monkey, Horse, Rooster, Swallow, Hawk, Snake, Bear and Eagle, all in the manner of Liu He (6 Harmony) Xin Yi. These moves are taught by ShihFu Li Ru-Bo, one of the lineage holders of the Henan branch and student of master Lu Rui-Fang . Xin Yi is a well known and respected style with associations to such famous teachers as George Xu (Xu Guo Ming), Sun Shao-Fu and Dan Hua-Long. It is related to the Xing Yi (Shape of the Will) style but goes by the name of Xin Yi (Shape of the Mind). A dynamic and powerful style it is also the forerunner of Ta Cheng Chuan (Great Achievement Boxing). Movements are organic, powerful and explosive. The postures are extreme and aid in building up reserve Ch’i for fa Ching practice. Xin Yi was one of the original terms for Xing Yi and its movements look like forerunners of many later actions. Master Ru Bo Li is one of the inheri
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