Самая милая сумочка крючком! Сrochet crossbody bag!
Всех приветствую на канале - Вязание с Ольгой Дывинец. В данном видео-уроке будем вязать сумочку кросс-боди из полиэфирного шнура 4 мм, понадобится около 100 метров, меньше одного моточка.
Для работы еще нам понадобится крючок №4,5, два кольца, две пришивные кнопочки и белая акриловая цепочка 120 см.
Размер 23 на 17 см.
Видео по вязанию узора на клапане:
Связать такую же сумочку можно из трикотажной пряжи BISKVIT или CARAMEL DOLCE, шнура CARAMEL.
Всю эту пряжу и фурнитуру можно заказать на сайте: https:/ Промокод на скидку 10%: s41684
Другие мои интересные видео:
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I welcome everyone to the channel - Knitting with Olga Dyvinets. In this video tutorial, we will knit a cross-body bag from a 4 mm polyester cord, you will need only 87 meters, less than one hank.
To work, we also need a hook No. 4.5, two rings, two sew-on buttons and a white acrylic chain 120 cm.
You can knit the same bag from knitted yarn BISKVIT, you will need one skein of CARAMEL or CARAMEL DOLCE cord.
All this yarn and accessories can be ordered on the website: https:/ Promo code for a 10% discount: s41684
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:30 🧶 Overview of materials needed for crocheting a crossbody bag
- Introduction to necessary materials such as polyester cord, hook, scissors, rings, magnetic sew-on buttons, and optional chain or belt.
- Preparation steps before starting the crocheting process.
01:23 🎒 Knitting the flap of the crossbody bag
- Demonstrating the initial steps for knitting the flap of the bag, including creating a foundation chain and starting the pattern.
- Explanation of the crochet pattern for the flap, focusing on alternating stitches to create texture.
10:01 🧵 Crocheting the main fabric of the bag
- Transitioning from the flap to crocheting the main fabric of the bag with single crochet stitches.
- Instructions on measuring and achieving the desired dimensions for the main fabric.
13:38 🔗 Adding the edging and straps to the bag
- Demonstrating the process of adding edging to the main fabric and creating sidewalls for the bag.
- Instructions on attaching straps and creating rounded corners for aesthetic appeal.
29:12 🎀 Final touches and assembly of the bag
- Finishing the sidewalls and joining the two parts of the bag together with a connecting slip stitch.
- Final steps including wrapping corners and attaching accessories like magnetic buttons, rings, and chains.
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