Tips and Tricks Using IOD Paint Inlays

In today’s video, Shannon from Pickin Boots Vintage shares some valuable tips and tricks on how to apply IOD Paint Inlays from start to finish. She has chosen a lovely rooster design using the Melange IOD Paint Inlay, to work with, which she will apply to a wooden board. Throughout the video, Shannon emphasizes the importance of applying the right amount of clear coat or paint to achieve a clean or distressed look. Watch as she demonstrates how to release the paper from the backing of the Paint Inlay using water and a sprayer, and how to seal the inlay using a water-based sealant. You’ll learn how to touch up any lines and achieve the perfect finish for your Paint Inlay Project. By the end of the video, you’ll have all the information you need to apply Paint Inlays like a pro. You can purchase IOD products by using the store locator and finding a stockist near you: If you’re new to Iron Orchid Designs (aka IOD), welc
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