When two huge chunks of the Earth’s rocky crust crash or push into each other, a mighty mountain is made.
Some of the world’s biggest mountain ranges are shown in brown on the map.
Mount Everest
Most of the world’s highest mountain peaks are in Asia. Everest, in the Himalayas, is the highest mountain on Earth. It is 8, 850 m (29, 035 ft) tall.
The high life
High up on a mountainside, it is cold and windy. The air is thin and hard to breathe. Despite this, many people live in the mountains. These people come from Tibet in Asia.
The Himalayas are the world`s highest mountain range.
Mountain danger
Sometimes huge amounts of ice and snow break loose and crash down a mountainside. This is called an avalanche. The snow can bury people, and even whole villages, in its path.
Mountain animals
Despite the extreme weather, many animals live in the mountains.
Snow leopards from the Himalayas have thick fur coats to keep them warm.
Spectacled bears from the Andes eat leaves, fruit, eggs, and small mammals.
Mountain gorillas from Africa have been hunted and are very rare.
Golden eagles soar high above the mountain peaks of Europe.
Mountain lions are fast, clever hunters from North and South America.
Mountains on Mars
Did you know that there are mountains on other planets? This is Olympus Mons on Mars. It is a gigantic volcano, three times higher than Mount Everest. The crater on top is the size of two large cities.
Mountain sports
Many people enjoy walking, climbing, and skiing in the mountains. Some mountain sports can be dangerous, so people use special safety equipment.
The climber’s boots help him to grip the rock.
The strong rope would hold the climber if he fell.