Possible Aether in Beta 1.9? - Ender Realm possibility - ID 119 block mystery - New Air Portal ?

This video is about the speculations of a new area in vanilla minecraft. This place is thought to be the opposite of the nether (a skyland/heaven). However there are some speculations that its going to be a portal to the endermen (thus the endereyes and the space looking portal). As of right now, one can only guess of what exactly it will bring. In this video, i initally went though the process of determining what the 119 ID block looked like from the aether mod. From trial and error, i found out that it looks very similar to the grass blocks from the aether. So at first I thought notch was adding secret blocks in before they had a use (thus why my game crashed when i hoverd my mouse over it). However after trying one last test before rendering my video, i relized that the blocks are accually portals that have some trippy looking effect on them. I saw this on the Minecraft Fourms, and I was wondering what exactly it was. So I guess I now know that they spawned the portals from multiplayer and pl
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