RESIDENT EVIL: REVISITED || NEW GAMEPLAY | Enemies, Locations, NPC’s, Puzzles & More!

Resident Evil Revisited is mod in development featuring a new story, locations, puzzles, enemies, and NPC’s. Play as Trent, who faces unexpected trouble while collecting data from the Spencer Mansion. || SUBSCRIBE: More Resident Evil Mods: Support ROE, ♥ Become a Member: ♦ Support on Patreon: ♣ GFUEL (use discount code, ROE) ♠ Merch: Follow ROE, 🚪 Discord: 🚪 Twitter - 🚪 Facebook: 🚪 Twitch: 🚪 Instagram: ROE Playlists, 📺 Resident Evil News: 📺 Resident Evil Interviews: 📺 Resident Evil Fan Games: 📺 Resident Evil Inspired Games: 📺 ROE Game VIGIL: Vid...eo Credits, ROE theme song by: Mono Memory 🎵 ROE Theme: 🎵 Mono Memory: ━━━━━━━━━━━━ Follow RE: Revisited, ► ► ► ► ► ► Mod Credits, • Elric: Story, Room Creation, Programming/Coding, Voice Acting • AndrewCoyte: NPCs, Player, Enemies, Music, Room Creation, BG Making/Rendering, BG Edits, Masking Assistance, Programming/Coding, Voice Acting, Story, and much more • Shomy_Lindemann: Music • Rusty: Several zombie models, Voice Acting • Megan Grass: Tools and knowledge • Resevilnemesis30: Scripting help, Voice Acting • Rincon del Lobezno: Assistance testing models on PS1 • J0shuaKane: Voice Acting • Juvenal Da Corte: Several rooms built for the Courtyard and Guardhouse • DocBest85: Voice Acting • BigBossIncarnate: Voice Acting More Mod Details, Resident Evil Revisited is a mod currently in development for the sourcenext version of Resident Evil 2 on PC and will feature an all new story, locations, characters and enemies. Revisited will take place in the Arklay Mountains and Spencer Mansion shortly before the events of Resident Evil 1, with the . Team. You will play as Umbrella employee Trent as he is sent to collect data from the Spencer Mansion & underground lab. During his trip he experiences trouble and has to make a stop at the Day in Raccoon’ Motel. A demo is currently in development and will be released soon(ish) as stated by the developer. #residentevil #residentevil2 #residentevilrevisited
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