Cyclists continue to share roads with automobiles despite dangers (1937)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit New Minister of Transport Leslie Burgin makes an aerial tour of roads out of London with an aim to reduce the number of cyclists killed on the road Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The Problem of Safety on the Roads ENGLAND: London: EXT MOTORING Cyclists won’t use Cycle tracks Cycling; Bicycles fatality, fatalities, accidents, Edward Leslie Burgin, cycling tracks, bike path, bike lane, safety, dangerous, transportation, air views, aerials Background: New Minister of Transport Leslie Burgin makes an aerial tour of roads out of London with an aim to reduce the number of cyclists killed on the road FILM ID: VLVABNLIC2YEVDSB7LSLZJ9YY9TL9 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive mana
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