HALA HALA everyone 👋🏼 We’re back with another ATEEZ cover!! We had been HONG(JOONG)ing onto wanting to cover this song for such a long time and (SEONG)HWAt can we say, we’re totally glad that we finally got to do it because this (YEO)SANG and dance are inSANe 🔥 We (JONG)HOpe everyone enjoy watching because these Koreos (WOO)YOUNGsters absolutely slayed! And we can’t wait for ATEEZ’s next comeback because YUNHO they never disappoint ✨
Bao Vu (Dance Director) @baovu0227
Hongjoong - Bao Vu (Dance Director) @baovu0227
Seonghwa - Isabella Bui (Administrative Director) @bui_isabella
Yeosang - Anne Zhao @annxzhao
Yunho - Clarissa Sugiharto @clarissaathalia
Mingi - Eric Pan @
Jongho - Phoebe Ko @
San - Phuc San @boomitsphuc
Wooyoung - Rin Sohn @
Filmed by:
Janie Wang (Production Director) @janiewang_19
Edited by:
Bao Vu (Dance Director) @baovu0227
Graphics by:
Janie Wang (Production Director) @janiewang_19
Caption by:
Bao Vu (Dance Dire
3 weeks ago 00:06:37 1
ATEEZ(에이티즈) - HONGJOONG in Paul Smith Autumn/Winter 2025