…but the people are retarded (explanation in description)

Hi there! I am glad that we both enjoy Osho quotes. In order to preserve the historical and comedic value of the clip, I refrained from adding commentary to the video. Instead, I will explain this clip in the video description. The man speaking in this clip is Osho. He was known as OSHO or RAJNEESH. Osho was born in India and later moved to the USA. Osho was a major figure in the USA west coast in the 1980s. He founded the Rajneesh movement. The Rajneesh movement is a religion in which Osho is a spiritual figure. Osho strongly belived in free-thought, love, humor, and meditation among other values. Osho was a major critic of Ghandi’s beliefs. His Rajneesh movement was centered around these beliefs. In the late 1970s, under mounting pressure, Osho shifted his focus away from India and towards the United States where he relocated to. His speeches inspired thousands of his followers. In Oregon, Osho and his followers set up a community. However, he was later revealed to be a cultist. Osho was arre
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