Confronting the reality of the Extraterrestrial Intervention

In this video, we confront the reality of the extraterrestrial intervention into our world and discuss the activities, motives and agendas of the alien presence. Marshall Vian Summers gives a comprehensive and eye-opening presentation, in which he shares how the Allies of Humanity Briefings were received, what their message reveals about the non-human intelligence operating in our world and how the wisdom contained in the Allies Briefings can assist us in thwarting unwanted ET Intervention. The Allies of Humanity Briefings provide vital information that enables us to gain a clearer understanding of the meaning of the alien presence in our world. Considering that we are unable to travel beyond our solar system, the insights contained in the Allies of Humanity Briefings, which can be corroborated by available evidence within ufology and supported by examples of intervention and colonization from our own history, may hold great importance for responding to extraterrestrial contact and immense valu
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