Hundreds Of Russians Are On The Streets : Putin Is So Desperate For The First Time!

#ukraine #russia #war #news #ukrainewar #russiaukrainewar #russiaukraine #ukrainecrisis #politicalnews #politics The people are the sustaining force of today’s states. No government can act in spite of the people. This is one of the biggest advantages of the ideas of republic and democracy. If the people do not stand by their government or do not want their government, things become difficult for that government. A government must meet the needs and aspirations of its people, whatever the circumstances. One of the most important of these needs is the need for security. However, the Russian government cannot meet this need of the Russian people. In recent days, the Russian people again mobilized against the Putin administration. Thousands of Russian citizens took to the streets and presented their demands to Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation. However, the Putin administration could not even tolerate the peaceful protest of the Russian people. With the violent intervention of the Russian police, many Russian citizens were arrested. So what is happening in Russia? What are the reasons for the actions of Russian citizens? Let’s examine them together. As Anka Daily News team, we continue to convey the developments regarding the Russia-Ukraine war. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so as not to miss our daily map reports and reports on the agenda. I also read all your comments on our videos. Please continue to express your opinions about our content in the comments. Let’s start if you are ready. Anka Daily News reports. The war between Russia and Ukraine is in full swing. The war launched by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin against Ukraine has put the country in a very difficult situation. In fact, Putin has not only made Ukraine his enemy with this war. The Russian people have also turned against Putin. Because the Russian people believe that Putin is destroying millions of Russian citizens for his own interests. Since the start of the war, the Russian Federation has been subjected to the most severe sanctions in the history of the world. The Russian people are facing serious economic problems as a result of this situation caused by the Russian leadership. Statistical agencies in Russia are trying to hide this information by using fake data. However, information from local sources shows that the opposite is the case and that Russian citizens are facing severe economic problems. We are ANKA. We do our best to deliver accurate information to our viewers as soon as possible. We inform the world about the data we collect from trusted sources and regional experts. Stay tuned for updated, real news!
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