медитация, от вины и зависимости 432 Hz Sacral Chakra, Remove Guilt, Shame and Dependence, Balance Emotions, Aura, Emotional Healing
432 Hz Sacral Chakra, Connecting Yourself to the Universe, Remove Guilt, Shame and Dependence, Balance Emotions, Let Go of Draining Negative Emotions, Healing Music, Remove Emotional Blockages
Let’s start the new year with a powerful chakra meditation series. We think that in this historical period it is more necessary than ever to create a connection with the Universe. We have tuned all the tracks in this series at 432Hz, the frequency at which the Universe vibrates. This frequency is able to restore harmony and well-being in us. Happy meditation!
Svadhisthana, the splenic chakra or water chakra. It is the sacral chakra, and is located at the height of the genitals, in the lower part of the abdomen, just below the navel. Its energy represents emotions, spontaneity, desire, pleasure, sexuality and physical creativity. Its color is orange: a symbol of positive emotions, success and inner harmony. When the water chakra is blocked, it has a direct action on emotions. It may give a closure t
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