Keep It Hush - Amanda the Adventurer SONG

STREAM here: Amanda the Adventurer takes you on a journey in this song from Wooly’s perspective from it’s lightheartedness to the psychotic, horrific atmosphere that the game provides. I wanted to reflect all the feelings the game does so well at into a so this song, Keep It Hush, is the result :) A unique approach compared to what I usually do in the nerdcore community, but I seem to say that about every video game fan song haha SO enjoy my take on Amanda the Adventurer... • Master: @DivideMusic • Video/typography: Andrew Duemig () • Thumbnail: @LunaticHugo About DHeusta ------------------------- DHeusta is an upcoming electronic inspired music producer creating original tracks and remixing video games and TV shows from horror, to action and more! Subscribe to support more of his music! Follow DHeusta on: Instagram ▶ Soundclou
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