Maya Python Script - IK/FK Switcher

You can get it at - 0:00 - General overview 0:39 - FK to IK setup 1:26 - IK to FK setup 2:06 - Delete setup 2:51 - Settings overview 6:20 - Extra Options: Generate Code Description - Tool that allows you to build a temporary IK/FK setup on any rig, while preserving animation. You can also isolate the code from the UI so you can put it into a marking menu or on the shelf. Example - You select the controls for you arm FK chain (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist), and then click the “FK to IK“ button to apply an IK setup on top of your original FK controls. If you find it useful, I’d appreciate it if you spread the word on it. To give any suggestions or feedback on how I can improve the script, feel free to reach out to me on my socials. Twitter - LinkedIn -
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