Discovering Old / Expired Food In Grandma’s Cupboard !
ID: 3470997
Discovering Old / Expired Food In Grandma’s Cupboard !
A group of grandchildren and their mother compete to find the oldest food item in their grandmother’s house. Sierra Burks, 30, challenged her sister Sydney, 25, and their mother Kris, to see who could find the item with the oldest expiration date in their grandmother’s pantry belonging to Nina, 83, in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA. The rules specified that you had two minutes, then someone else would get a turn to try to find something older than your item. Sierra went first and located a jar of pesto that expired back in December 2017. Sydney went next and beat Sierra, finding a can of bean salad with a posted expiry from March 2015. Finally, Kris beat both her daughters soundly with a jar of mustard that went off in December 2008.
grandma, food, expired, cupboard, oldest, jar, mustard, grandchildren,
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