Quantities in #english #learnenglish #englishtips

- A pinch of: A small amount of something that can be held between your thumb and forefinger. - A scoop of: A measured amount of something that can be picked up with a scoop or spoon. - A drizzle of: A small amount of liquid that is poured or sprinkled over something. - A bunch of: A group of things that are tied or held together, like a bunch of flowers. - A handful of: The amount of something that can be held in one hand. - A dash of: A small amount of something, usually added for flavor. - A sprinkle of: A light scattering of something, like sprinkling salt or sugar on food. - A sugar coma: A term used humorously to describe a state of extreme tiredness or lethargy caused by consuming too much sugar. #english #learnenglish #englishtips
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