Gandalf vs The Balrog in Moria is an iconic duel, but what happened to Gandalf after they fell? How did he go from this battle to returning as Gandalf the White in Fangorn Forest?
We look at this today!
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00:00 – Intro
01:27 – At the Bridge of Khazad-dûm
05:57 – What Was Gandalf’s Mission?
07:38 – How Did Gandalf Change?
09:52 – Gandalf vs Sauron
11:23 – Conclusion
12:08 – QotD & Thank you’s.
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We do not claim to own the rights to any of the art work used throughout this video. All credit must go to the talented artists. If we have not credited an artist, it is because we could not find an owner of the art. Please message us if we have not credited you!
If any artists would like us to remove their artwork, or add anything additional to credit you, please contact us and we will sort it straight away! Thank you!
CK Goksoy -
Ivan Cavini -
Ted Nasmith -
Peter Xavier Price –
Elena Kukanova -
Magali Villeneuve -
KipRasmussen -
RalphDamiani -
Matthew Stewart -
Anato Finnstark -
Illustrator Fabio Leone -
Thumbnail Art:
Gandalf White - snezhana-mirkwood
Gandalf vs Balrog - Omer Tunc
Art in order of first appearance:
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy – New Line Cinema
A Map of Moria - Daniel Reeve
Durin’s Bane – CKGoksoy
Flame of Udûn - Manuel Castanon
The Lord of the Rings - You shall not pass! - Florent Broissand
Gandalf - Fabio Leone
The Balrog – MattDeMino
LOTR-Gandalf and the Balrog – Evolvana
The Stranger in the Forest - Ted Nasmith
Balrog vs Gandalf - Omer Tunc
Gandalf vs The Balrog - Jerry Vanderstelt
Lord of the Rings-Balrog - stevej061069
Zirakzigil – deagol
Upon Celebdil - 2Bdubious
Balrog vs Gandalf - Rinat Sait
Gandalf - Abi909
The Music of the Gods – KipRasmussen
Sauron The Lord of the Rings - William Faucher
Gandalf the Grey - Hossein Diba
The Five – Sindacollo
Welcome to Valinor - Nahar-Doa
Portrait of Gandalf the White – ReneAigner
Lord of the Rings - Gandalf the White - p1xer
The Istari - Ivan Cavini
Staffs of the Istari – Norloth
The Istari - mairon666
Middle earth – Klaradox
Gandalf Returns – Ted Nasmith
Gandalf White - snezhana-mirkwood
The White Rider – RalphDamiani
Across Middle-earth - Caras Galadhon – ralphdamiani
Across Middle-earth - Evening at Caras Galadhon – ralphdamiani
Hobbits – Giacobino
Gandalf and Gwaihir (lotr) – AnatoFinnstark
Gandalf and Shadowfax – Ted Nasmith
Gandalf the White - Suzanne-Helmigh
Mithrandir! Mithrandir! (Gandalf Returns) - NerdyLizard5
Way to Mordor – Iribel
Gandalf the White - Juan Galeote
The Shadow and the Flame – AnatoFinnstark
Bridge of Khazad-dum – CKGoksoy
Gandalf - Anato Finnstark
Gandalf - Suc-of
All content falls under fair use: any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner.
In the event I use art of yours or you have any questions, please contact me and we’ll get it sorted straight away! :)
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