Video by Ramzan Kadyrov

Assalamu alaikum! On this holiday for Muslims, after performing all the prescribed religious ceremonies, my family and I visited our loved ones. Among the first to congratulate the respected mother of Medni Musaevna - Zalpa Vadutovna and the entire large family of the Aidamirovs, dear Uncle Magomed-Sharip Kadyrov. I was glad to see all of them in good Health. He wished the Almighty’s contentment, good health, and long life. He also visited his beloved sisters - Zargan and Raikhan, daughter-in-law Hafsa Vakharsoltovna. They were very happy about our visit and welcomed us. I note that my beloved SISTERS have recently returned from Mecca. With great trepidation, he received from them the Koran and the rosary brought from the blessed land. I know that also in their duas in sacred places they asked the Almighty for mercy and well-being for our people, further prosperity for the republic, and strengthening the unity of believers. He thanked them and wished them the mercy of Allah Almighty for thei
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