LADY GAGA - Born This Way Parody - The Key of Awesome #36

Gaga is bored of doing all this crazy s**t! Watch the original Born This Way music video here: Written by Mark Douglas with Michael Reisman Directed by Tom Small LYRICS: Intro: This is the manifesto of Mother Brainfart. In Vulvulon , a system of interplanetary planets, there were two races of humanoidians,  The Bitchy Dancers, and The Mucusheads.  On the first day of the festival of the bleeding disco ball, Queen Cornerface decreed, “From this day forth the citizens of Planet Fabulust shall only communicate via Madonna songs.  The Bitchy Dancers protested saying “wait, which Madonna songs?“  The Mucus heads said nothing because they we’re mucusheads. Thus began the dance war.  Now watch this unrelated video It doesn’t matter if you make due, or make doo doo, (she bumps into people on the floor) excuse me, sorry.   Just turn the music up cus I’ve got words to   Verse: My
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