Fats Navarro Tadd Dameron - Eb pob (1977 vinyl LP Fats Navarro Featured With The Tadd Dameron Band)
1977 vinyl LP - Originally issued as Fats Navarro Featured With The Tadd Dameron Band (Jazzland 50) and The Tadd Dameron Band:1948 (Jazzland 68). Live performance 1948 Royal Roost, New York City featuring:
Fats Navarro - trumpet
Rudy Williams - alto sax
Allan Eager - tenor sax
Tadd Dameron - piano
Curly Russell - bass
Kenny Clarke - drums
Theodore “Fats“ Navarro (September 24, 1923 – July 6, 1950) was an American jazz trumpet player. He was a pioneer of the bebop style of jazz improvisation in the 1940s. Navarro gained valuable experience touring in bands, including Snookum Russell’s territory band, where he met and influenced a young J.J. Johnson. Tiring of the life on the road, Navarro settled in New York City in 1946, where his career took off. He met and played with, among others, Charlie Parker.[4] But Navarro was in a position to demand a high salary and did not join one of Parker’s regular groups. He also developed a heroin addiction, tuberculosis, and a