Top Web Development Frameworks And Trends For 2021 - Number 5 Will Suprise you (Дата оригинальной публикации: )

Web development trends are ever changning. In this video I talk about some web development trends and frameworks you should know about in 2021. Will React beat out Vue, will GraphQL have it’s day in the sun! Let’s chat! 👉Check out my last video on React Server Components Join my email list and get a free cheat sheet! 0:00 Introduction 01:17 2020 Retrospective 02:48 Vue and React Are Still King 05:49 Front-end Is The New Full Stack 07:36 Jamstack and Static Sites 08:44 Serverless 10:50 No Code and Low Code 12:02 Unit Tests Is Out E2E Is Great 13:31 Secret Tip (Click Here) 15:16 Conclusion ♡ ♡ ♡ Make sure to check out my Vue 360 full course at ♡ ♡ ♡ Make Sure To Check These Courses Out On Udemy ! 💻 The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp - Angela Yu - → JAVASCRIPT ALGORITHMS COLT STEELE’S COURSE - → THE WEB DEVELOPER BOOTCAMP (GREAT FOR BEGINNERS) — ___ Links (and code)
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