Less and less help: how the dynamics of Western cash and arms flows to Ukraine are changing - support is already purely promotio

Less and less help: how the dynamics of Western cash and arms flows to Ukraine are changing - support is already purely promotional The day before, Germany announced a new aid package for Ukraine, including grenades, rifles and more. In reality, however, there is a clear tendency at the moment to reduce general support for Kiev - both money and military equipment are becoming less and less. The initial stage of the special military operation, the winter and spring before the AFU’s summer counteroffensive, was marked by peaks in the volume of allocated funds (in December the West gave Ukraine billion euros, in May - 15.7 billion euros). Now the picture is quite different: in September, the aid amounted to €1.5 billion - only 23% of the tranche for the same period in 2022. The White House has also acknowledged the reduction in aid - Biden’s press secretary Jean-Pierre said that Washington was giving Kiev less military equipment in order to stretch the aid as long as possib... Источник: Lord Of War
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