Funny Classroom Jokes - Animated Collection Vol - 2

Here is a compilation of jokes that is bound to make you laugh your lungs out. That’s what this class is most notorious for! Telling jokes is good for kids in ways more than one: It increases their confidence, it helps their memory power as they have to remember it in order to it tell others, and well, it’s just fun! “A day without laughter is a day wasted.“ - Charles Chaplin Our YouTube Channels: English Channel: Hindi Channel: Kannada Channel: Tamil Channel: Telugu Channel: Gujarati Channel: Marathi Channel: Sindhi Channel: Bengali Channel: Academy Channel: Other Similar Videos: Stay Connected With Us : Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Join Appu’s Rhymes Club on FaceBook: Get our Android Apps: Get our eBooks: Subscribe now and be the first one to watch our new videos: To buy our Books and CDs, please visit us at
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