Fish Heart Beats (1953)

Fish Heart Beats, London M/S Fish swimming in tank. M/S Two fish swimming. M/S Man (Fish doctor Mr Rex Dutta) and girl assistant preparing equipment. C/U Striped fish swimming. M/S Girl lowers net into tank presumably to withdraw one of the fish. C/U she examines net then carries it away. M/S Girl returns into previous room. C/U She lowers the fish into another tank. C/U Fish swimming in tank she hems it into one corner by using a piece of glass. M/S Man adjusting his controls. M/S he places on earphones. C/U Fish swimming by the microphone. M/S Man nods to girl that he can hear O.K. C/U Instruments flickering. C/U Fish swimming by mike. C/U Instruments flickering. C/U Man speaks to girl who now places a small square object in the tank. C/U Square object behind the fish. C/U Man and girl. C/U Fish. M/S Man reaches his hand inside the tank and takes hold of the fish. C/U Holding a glass tube near the fish. M/S He hands the glass tube to the girl. C/S He picks up a jar of liquid from the table. M/S
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