Our Best Metal Detecting Find Yet! Road Update

Check out for a FREE sample pack with any purchase. LMNT has been a huge supporter of the town, I drink it basically every day, so I hope you’ll check it out! What a wild few weeks it has been up at Cerro Gordo. We brought in a massive water tank, got completely wiped out by a flash flood, was forced to stop progress on the American Hotel, and more. Just before that, we had a metal detecting event and found something I’ve been looking for for a LONG time. It’s been an absolute rollercoaster of emotions up here and I thank everyone who has been so supportive of this town. It means the world t...o me! More photos: Cerro Gordo T-Shirts and more: Mailing Address: PO Box 490, Lone Pine, CA 93545 THANK YOU!!
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