Marinated green tomatoes

Ingredients: green tomatoes - 4-5 pcs. carrot - 1 pc. pepper - 1/2 pc. coriander - 20 g celery - 20 g garlic - 1 clove onion - 1 small bulb thyme - 1/2 tsp. peppercorns - 1 tsp. bay leaf - 2 pcs. strawberry leaves - 4-5 pcs. natural vinegar - 2 tbsp. salt - 2/3 tbsp. Method: Cut finely garlic, coriander and celery, add grated carrot, thyme and mix well. Make cuts on green tomatoes and stuff them. Add salt and vinegar into a room temperature water and mix well for making a marinade. Place the strawberry leaves, onion, bay leaves into a glass container and place the tomatoes on top. Add peppercorns, pieces of pepper and the marinade. Leave at room temperature for 4-5 days. Juicy green tomatoes are ready! Enjoy! #rawrecipes #raw #veganrecipes #vegan #vegetarian #intelligenthumanity #allvegan #well_fedvegan #snacks_vseveganim #snacks
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