Camron (bka Venus Theory) said “Let’s talk about the Splice problem and I’m reacting to it. We need to have this conversion about what “royalty free“ means because at this point. It’s used as a buzz term to get people buying samples without thinking of the situation at hand. Don’t get me wrong. I love sampling (as I’m an avid fan of the MPC drum samplers and other groove boxes). Also, I respect copyright owners enough to give them credit too (in my music and on my website). Beat making is everyone’s favorite past time on our channels. Sound designing is a passion and we respect it!
Splice poses as a technology company that provides a unique service but it’s hurting content creators with out acknowledging it. Not to mention, YouTube’s “algorithm“ issues copyright claims (we’ve all experienced this at least once). At 6teen levels, we have a clear terms of service and we’re very transparent about it!
our sample packs:
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Famous people using our sounds:
My situation with Splice and others:
Camron’s video:
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#splice #samples #sampling