World’s Most Extreme Military Aircrafts | Ultimate Vehicles | S01 E03 | Free Documentary

Military Airplanes: Military aircraft that have made history, and that have driven technical innovation in aviation. For several decades now, it has been aircraft above all that have decided the outcome of military conflicts. No wonder that unimaginable sums have been invested in their development. Engineers around the world assiduously improve the speed, range, versatility, and armament of military aircraft, thus decisively advancing innovation in aviation. Ultimate Vehicles showcases the best fighters, bombers, and transport aircraft. It is the result of the largest armaments program of all time: the F-35 Lightning II. When developing it, engineers had to satisfy numerous demands at once: a stealth aircraft with high speed and excellent avionics. In addition, it had to have vertical and short takeoff capability. How well was this mammoth task executed? It shocked the West and taught American bomber pilots during the Korean War the meaning of fear. The Mig-15 was the first Soviet fighter
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