Wavy pearl beaded necklace. How to make necklace. Beading tutorial/necklace,bracelet,earrings set
@Pinisetty Pearl Crafts #pearlnecklaceset #tutorialforbeginners #seedbeadwithpearlnecklaceset #simplemethod #seedbeadnecklace #handmadejewellery #tutorial #pearljewelryset #designernecklaceset #modernpearljewelry #pinisetty
earrings tutorial link ;
bracelet tutorial link ;
in this video ,iam showing pearl necklace set ,simple weaving necklace set making
materials ;
glass ; pearl ;8mm
glass honey seed beads; 11/0
clasp of your choice.
beading thread length ;220cm
(for 17& 1/2 inch necklace)
2 beading needles no 10
2 jump rings 3mm
beading thread nylon fishing line
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