The Fountain of Bakhchisarai. Tskhvitariia (debut) Sergeev
Мария- Ника Цхвитария Nika Tskhvitariia ( debut)
Вацлав- Александр Сергеев Alexander Sergeev
Бахчисарайский фонтан — хореографическая поэма в четырёх действиях с прологом и эпилогом по мотивам одноимённой поэмы Александра Пушкина композитора Бориса Асафьева, поставленная балетмейстером Ростиславом Захаровым по сценарию Николая Волкова в 1934 году .
The “star hour“ of the drama ballet was heralded by the appearance in 1934 at the Leningrad Theatre, then not yet known as the Kirov, of the ballet The Fountain of Bakhchisarai. In it the desire to combine choreography with the themes of high literature and the defence of new Soviet art for the sake of realisticity crystalised the new direction of ballet’s development.
The Fountain of Bakhchisarai emerged in an atmosphere of creative discussions of the progressive cultural elite of Leningrad: Professor Boris Asafiev of the conservatoire, an authoratitave composer and music historian, stage director Sergei Radlov who de
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