DESTINY medley: “Holy Man“, “Sabotage“ and “Future Of The Past“

A video trail­er filmed at the re­lease par­ty for the Des­tiny al­bum “Fu­ture of the past“ at Sticky Fin­gers, Gothen­burg, Swe­den in 2004. The med­ley fea­tures the songs “Holy Man“, “Sab­o­tage“ and the ti­tle track “Fu­ture of the past“. All songs by Björnshög & Göbel. The line up features Kristoffer Göbel on vocals, Stefan Björnshög on bass, Janne Ekberg on guitar, Birger Löfman on drums and Niclas Granath on guitar. Pro­duced by Pix­el Pro­duc­tions.
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