A Band Of Buriers - Conclusion 1

If you like it, share it... A Band Of Buriers thank you kindly. This video is the first of a series. Each month we aspire to end our shows with a different ’conclusive’ piece. This particular one is a version of a song by ’Murmur Breeze’ called ’Float’. You can listen to the original here. Let’s rendezvous come the length of noon at whichever horizon we happen to reach first and then play who can stay weightless the longest As we pass the burden born from the deepness of nowhere in a cyclical motion the only warm place left lies at the bottom of an escalator Does it seem we have forgotten how to offer ourselves descending further and further in to nicotine tanned chests? Rush for a heaven hanged by the emergency red cable swaying in the breeze through the poorly insulated woodchip walling Teen helpline call-centre switchboards flicker violently ruby red like christamses gone wrong ever fu
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