The Greatest Love In The Kingdom _ Największa Miłość W Królestwie | The love story betweenKing ofPoland SigismundIIAugustus and Barbara miłościKrólaZygmuntaIIAugusta i BarbaryRadziwiłłówny.
||“Of all the ill-starred royal romances,the tale of BarbaraRadziwill and herKing remains amongst the most ’s also one of the least say least, but by that we mean on the international the tale ofBarbaraRadziwill is legendary in bothLithuania and ’s inspired poems,myths, paintings and a fair few films as without further ado,grab your kerchief and settle into your throne,for here follows a true tale of love, betrayal and one of the most malicious mother-in-laws in history....||Our tale begins in the 1540’s. At that time, Michelangelo was designing the dome of ’s forPopePaulIII, and here in Vilnius,a young prince was cultivating his own glittering August was a man of dashing looks,as well as a poet, a humanist
2 weeks ago 00:06:43 1
Домой в СССР Сергей Головков ☆ Советский Союз наше Великое социалистическое Отечество ☆ USSR ☆ 22