An INCREDIBLE Journey to the Earth’s Prehistoric Oceans | Earth History Documentary

🌍 About 541 million years ago, the distribution of land and sea was much different than what we know. All of this took place long before the creation of Pangea. At this time of the Cambrian, during the first phase of the Paleozoic, the Iapetus Ocean separates North America from South America and Africa which was welded together, the whole called Gondwana. The Rheic Ocean separates the African coast from the Baltic continent. Other oceans, such as the Panthalassa and the Paleotethys cover a very large area that separates North China and Siberia. Over millions of years, the continents have m...oved apart, the oceans have expanded and opened on others. The land broke away and microcontinents were born. This is the case in the Devonian of Avalonia which includes Canada, England, Wales, France and Denmark. In the Carboniferous, North China shrank and became isolated from the other continents and microcontinents. During the Permian, new movements started to bring the lands closer together to fo
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