6 | Functions | Python for Complete Beginners

All Free Tutorials - print(“Hello from functions“) # a block of code which runs only when called # we can pass data to a func - parameters # func can return data as result # def func_name(parameters): # statements def hello(name): print(“Hello“, name) hello(“Python“) hello(“Eric“) # func to add 2 numbers def add(num1, num2): return (num1 num2) print(add(2, 4)) print(add(5, 6)) # Built-in functions # print(), input(), range() # variables x = 10 def my_func(): x = 5 print(’value of x inside func is: ’, x) my_func() print(’value of x outside func is: ’, x) # Arguments (Parameters) def hello(name, msg): print(“Hello“, name ’, ’ msg) hello(“Python“, “Good Morning“) # default arguments def hello(name, msg=“How are you“ ... #RaghavPal #Python_functions_explained #How_to_use_Python_functions #A_beginner’s_guide_to_Python_functions #Master_the_art_of_lambda_functions_in_Python #Understand_the_concept_of_function_scope_in_Python #learning_how_variable_accessibility_varies_within_functions 20230715 awD-HQpKkjI
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