“Melekh Hakavod” by Tanya Kadin and Maoz Israel Music
Melech Hakavod (King of Glory) is an elegant blend of both Western and Middle Eastern music influences layered into this contemporary worship song.
מלך הכבוד
גדולים ונפלאים מעשיך
אדוני אלוהי צבאות
צדק ואמת דרכיך
מלך הכבוד
מי לא יראך אדוני
ולא יתן כבוד לשמך
כי אתה לבדך קדוש
כל הגויים יבואו וישתחוו לפניך
כי נגלו משפטי צדקך
קדוש קדוש אדוני אלוהי צבאות
Melekh Hakavod
Gdolim ve’nifla’im ma’asekha
Adonai Elohei Tzeva’ot
Tzedek ve’emet darkekha
Melekh hakavod
Mi lo yir’akha Adonai
Velo yiten kavod leshimkha
Ki Ata levadkha kadosh
Kol hagoyim yavo’u veyishtakhavu lefanekha
Ki niglu mishpatei tzidkekha
Kadosh, kadosh Adonai Elohei Tzeva’ot
The King of Glory
Great and wonderful are Your deeds
Lord God of Hosts
Your ways are righteousness and truth
King of Glory
Who will not fear You, Lord?
And who will not give glory to Your name?
Because You alone are holy
All the nations will come
Holy, Holy the Lord of Hosts
Lyrics: based on Revelation 15:2-4
Music: Tanya Kadin
Produced by Maoz Israel Music
© Fellowship of Artists Records
Distributed by Integrity Music